“You either walk inside of your story and own it, or you stand outside of your story and hustle for your worthiness”. Brené Brown.


If you prefer to contact me directly, you can also do so directly at my email olga@wholeheartedpsychology.net

I’m looking forward to hear from you :)


Get in touch.


not sure where to start?

Let’s chat! I will listen to your needs and point you in the best direction to pursue your dreams and goals. For 20 min I’ll give you my undivided attention and create a safe and authentic space to help you move forward, either with one of my services, on your own or through recommendations.


Want to know more of what I offer?


psychology - THERAPY

Individual sessions

I am the catalyst who supports you through change and I believe in you unconditionally, there is no room for judgement in my sessions.

Together, with kindness, an unique approach linked to your psychological traits we will find a way for you to retune with your worth and with what really matters to you.

How do I get in?


Dance & confidence coaching

Gain confidence and learn how to move your body without being embarrassed or worried about what others think.

This is your chance to learn that new skill you’ve been waiting for! And no experience is required, just come with an open mind and willing to have fun during the process.

Where do I start?


  • Programme: Your Voice. Your Power. Become a master communicator of your boundaries, needs and desires.

  • Workshop: Saying “no” is Self-care.

    Learn and practice tecniques to say no and not feeling guilty during the process.

How do I get in?



  • Flameco & latins fusion style: Connect with this unique style mixing elements of latinos, ballroom and flamenco dances

  • Discover your movement & dance like nobody's watching. Drop in classes to help you connect with your movement without feeling judged.

  • Find your heartbeat. Workshops to connect with your body and emotions through dancing and coaching tools.

Tell me more!

community for women

I foster monthly women circles where you will find a supportive community of women that fosters equality, respect and connection.

We create a trusting, non-judgemental space for women to share your authenticity, find your voice and remember your self-worth.

Together you can celebrate your unique diversity, while honoring our feminine energy to foster self-growth.